Friday, September 01, 2006

August 2006 Partners in Policymaking

August 2006

Partners Alumni Take the Lead in “Conversations That Matter”

Unlock the Waiting Lists! and the Georgia Department of Human Resources will be hosting Disability Town Hall Meetings across the state this fall and winter. Partners graduates have stepped up and will lead and organize the events. The meetings will focus on learning about the new waiver system, building awareness for Unlock the Waiting Lists!, and in networking with others in communities who care about disability issues. Dr. Steve Hall, Director of the Office of Developmental Disabilities, will our main presenter. The meetings will be held in Gwinnett, Macon, Athens, Savannah, Augusta, North Fulton and Albany. Dates and locations will be finalized soon. There is interest in having an 8th event in Henry county. If you can help, email If you live in those areas we want you to attend, volunteer the night of the event, or help promote the event in your area. Please contact the following leaders:

Gwinnett -Karen Addams
North Fulton -Jennifer Carroll
Macon Nalini -Isaac
Albany- Rosalyn Horne
Savannah- Vicki Sumner
Augusta- Rene Collins
Athens- Lynn Jones
Pam Moore

Opportunities to get involved :

Alumni Paula Rafferty Miller needs two grads to advocate for two individuals who are adults with disabilities and have no family members. One is Gwinnett and one is in Covington. This is an excellent opportunity to use your abilities to provide your knowledge of resources and support skills to help. Please contact her by clicking her name above or calling 404-885-1234.

Cares and concerns:

Suzanne Hugueley, class of 2001 has tragically lost her adult son. She has suffered the loss of both of her adult children in the past few years. Please send her a note of encouragement.

If you have a leadership/volunteer opportunity or want to post a concern about your family, please send it to