All About Developmental Disabilities (AADD) is Atlanta's preeminent resource on developmental disabilities, providing support services to families for more than 55 years. We are often the one place where people with developmental disabilities can go to achieve personal empowerment, family stability and community participation. AADD provides family support; public policy and advocacy; and community engagement.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Legislative schedule
More rumors? We are hearing that they will take next week off, then meet for 3 days the week of the 12th (30 days), 3 days the week of the 19th (33 days), take Masters week off and shoot for April 13th being the 38th day. All this will change, no doubt...
Not rumors though...the House's School Choice subcommittee for Education will meet tomorrow in 506 CLOB at 1 PM with SB10 on the agenda. There will be a sign up sheet for public comment. Rep. Tom Dickson is the chair of this subcommittee.
Monday, February 26, 2007
Mimosa elementary gets a response...
Good morning,
I received a voice mail from Destiny’s teacher; all the children that wrote notes to Senator Moody received individual letters addressed specifically to them thanking them for their letter and for sharing their opinions about helping people with disabilities! I have a copy of the one he sent to Destiny and they made it a project in class to read the letters and discuss them. The children that wrote to Representative Charles Martin are hoping for a letter tomorrow. I am quite impressed myself! This has been so much fun and the children must feel very important. I particularly love the learning they have experienced through this project!! Thank you again for your help with this.
PeachCare Roundup
Duluth Weekly - Duluth,GA,USA"PeachCare is a successful program that ensures Georgia's children have health care coverage," Governor Perdue said. "In March, we will be forced to suspend ...
Advocates: Don't cut off PeachCare enrollment
Savannah Morning News - Savannah,GA,USA... be confronted with some very hard choices," said Sen. Greg Goggans, the Douglas Republican who chaired the panel, in a statement released by Cagle's office.
Governors Worry Over Money for Child Health Program
New York Times - New York,NY,USABut the budget office said 40 percent of the new spending would be offset by savings elsewhere — specifically, in Medicaid. ...
The following is from a press release sent out by the Governor's office yesterday...
WASHINGTON, DC – In Washington D.C. for the National Governors Association Winter Meeting, Governor Sonny Perdue urged Congress to act quickly in funding the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP) at a press conference today. Governor Perdue was joined at the press conference by seven of his fellow governors.
"PeachCare is a successful program that ensures Georgia's children have health care coverage,” Governor Perdue said. “In March, we will be forced to suspend all new enrollment, which is not an action we want to take. We want every child eligible for PeachCare to have it available to them, but for this to happen we need immediate Congressional action.”
Today’s press conference follows a letter that Governor Perdue and 12 other governors sent to Congressional leaders on Friday. In addition to Governor Perdue, the letter was signed by the governors of Alaska, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Rhode Island, South Dakota, and Wisconsin. The letter was addressed to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, House Minority Leader John Boehner, Senate Finance Chairman Max Baucus, Senate Finance Ranking Member Charles Grassley, House Committee on Energy and Commerce Chairman John Dingell, and House Committee on Energy and Commerce Ranking Member Joe Barton.
“We request that you consider covering current year shortfalls at the earliest possible opportunity, whether as stand alone legislation or in the emergency supplemental appropriations bill,” the letter states. “Our states stand ready to be partners in this program and meet the state portions of the funding, but the clock is ticking. We need Congressional assistance quickly to strengthen and preserve this successful program.”
In the letter, the 13 governors requested that Congress address the looming Fiscal Year 2007 federal funding shortfall for the State Children’s Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP). The governors noted that S-CHIP’s bipartisan approach to children’s health insurance is a national success, but the program’s formula has resulted in funding shortfalls for the states putting children’s insurance at stake. Noting this, they urged Congress to cover current year shortfalls as quickly as possible either in stand alone legislation or in the emergency supplemental appropriations bill.
The text of the letter follows:
February 23, 2007
We are writing today to request your assistance in addressing the looming Fiscal Year 2007 federal funding shortfall for State Children’s Health Insurance Program (S-CHIP). Unless Congress acts expeditiously, health insurance for some of our states’ most vulnerable citizens is in jeopardy.
As you know, Congress created S-CHIP in 1997 as a bipartisan approach to address the growing number of children without health insurance in America. The stated goal of the program was to provide insurance to five million low-income children within ten years. With more than 6.1 million children receiving benefits, S-CHIP has met that goal and is widely considered a national success.
Despite this success, S-CHIP is governed by a flawed and counterproductive distribution formula that penalizes the states successfully implementing the mission of the program. According to the Congressional Research Service, forty states now have expenditures greater than their federal S-CHIP allotment per year and at least fourteen states are facing federal matching shortfalls for FY 2007. Without quick Congressional action, our states, all facing federal shortfalls, will be forced to make harsh decisions affecting the lives of thousands of families.
With states facing federal matching shortfalls as early as March, S-CHIP funding has reached critical status in many of our states. We request that you consider covering current year shortfalls at the earliest possible opportunity, whether as stand alone legislation or in the emergency supplemental appropriations bill. Our states stand ready to be partners in this program and meet the state portions of the funding, but the clock is ticking. We need Congressional assistance quickly to strengthen and preserve this successful program.
Thank you for your time and assistance in this important matter.
Saturday, February 24, 2007
Partners In Policymaking participant makes a difference at the Capitol
Ann Coggins wrote this piece about her trip to the Georgia's State Capitol with a 3rd grade class.
I wanted to let you know about the trip to the Capitol with my daughter’s 3rd grade class.Is that challenge to you?The children had a great time and were all so proud to deliver their messages to Senator Moody’s and Representative Charles Martin’s offices. We, unfortunately, did not get to see either of them as they were not in the office that day. I wish you could have seen them handing out the Unlock the Waiting Lists flyers they made at school to the legislators as they went through the Capitol.
There was a lot going on at the capital that day and some of the children did get to see Governor Sonny Perdue but were not able to speak with him either. I think the project and the tour was very meaningful and the feeling that they could make a difference in the lives of their friends seemed to fill them with pride. You may or may not know that Mimosa Elementary serves a very diverse population which includes several special education and ESOL programs. I loved getting to do
this with this class. The students are hoping for a response from Senator Moody and Representative Martin, which would bring the project into perspective for them. Thank you so much for the idea…it was a big hit with the school.
Again, I loved doing this with the children and I think they and their teachers felt it was valuable. Wouldn’t be great to get some of the middle and high schools involved in this way?
Tuesday, February 13, 2007
Tuesday...Blogging from the Capitol
Other individuals who testified on disability issues included:
Josh Norris with the Georgia Advocacy Office testified on the recent deaths in state hospitals and reported that they are investigate 27 deaths that they believe are due to a lack of care. He made the point through this story that people need to be given the right to live in the community rather than in state institutions. He also called for an examination of the way oversight is carried out by the state and others.
Tripp Cook with Ga Enterprises testified that people with disabilities want to work and should be supported to do so, with $500,000 additional dollars in the Department of Labor's budget.
Dr. Sarita Reddy, a parent and board member for Georgia Options, testified that this Athens based provider for residential services for people with developmental disabilities that this provider needs $250,000 funds in order to grow capacity.
Sunday, February 11, 2007
The PeachCare Roundup
Moultrie Observer - Moultrie,GA,USAMOULTRIE — Parents with children’s healthcare coverage under Georgia’s PeachCare program are worried what to do should the program go under. ...
Proposal would limit eligibility
Augusta Chronicle (subscription) - Augusta,GA,USAMickey Channell, R-Greensboro, who leads the House panel that oversees the PeachCare budget . "That's money that could be and should be utilized to cover ...
State must fund PeachCare gap
Atlanta Journal Constitution (subscription) - Atlanta,GA,USAOr, the state could cover the anticipated loss by switching many of the PeachCare enrollees to Medicaid, which has a nearly identical benefit plan for ...
PeachCare likely to rule discussion
Augusta Chronicle (subscription) - Augusta,GA,USA"We're going to get serious about the budget and hopefully find a solution to PeachCare," said Senate Majority Leader Tommie Williams, R-Lyons. ...
Georgia Revenue collection 6.5% increase for the year
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue announced today that net revenue collections for the month of January 2007 (FY07) totaled $1,978,077,000 compared to $1,795,724,000 for January 2006 (FY06), an increase of $182,353,000 or 10.2 percent. The percentage increase year-to-date for FY07 compared to FY06 is 6.5 percent.Good news...
Important Meetings at the Capitol
The Appropriations Human Resources Subcommittee will hold public hearings on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 from 9:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. and Wednesday, February 14, 2007 from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. in Room 341 of the State Capitol.
The subcommittee will hear from individuals and organizations that wish to address the subcommittee with regard to the ’08 budget ONLY. Please limit your presentation to 5 minutes and bring 15 copies of a summary of your comments. If your comments are basically the same as others please join them instead of making a separate presentation. Sign up sheet is located in 245 State Capitol. Agenda: Public Hearing, DHR – ’08 Budget ONLYThe Appropriations Health Subcommittee will hold a CMO public hearing on Tuesday, February 13, 2007 in Room 606 of the Coverdell Legislative Office Building from 9:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
The subcommittee will hear from individuals and organizations that wish to address the subcommittee with regard to CMOs. Please limit your presentation to 5 minutes and bring 15 copies of a summary of your comments. If your comments are basically the same as others please join them instead of making a separate presentation. Sign up sheet is located in 245 State Capitol. CMO Public Hearing Agenda: DCH, CMOs, Public CommentThe Appropriations Health Subcommittee will meet on Wednesday, February 14, 2007 in Room 406 of the Coverdell Legislative Office Building from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Agenda: DCH ’08 Budget
The Appropriations Health Subcommittee will hold a public hearing on Thursday, February 15, 2007 in Room 606 of the Coverdell Legislative Office Building from 2:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. You may sign up in Room 245 of the State Capitol. Agenda: ’08 Budget Public Hearing
Monday, February 05, 2007
Senate and House will convene again on Thursday
I spoke with one of the budget wonks at the Capitol today that confirmed: work on the FY08 budget has slowed and they are still focused on finishing the FY07 supplemental. Our efforts are focused on the FY08 budget. You can track the Senate's work on the budget by going to their Senate Budget Reports page.
The House and Senate will convene again on Thursday.
Sunday, February 04, 2007
Senator Mitch Seabaugh Responds
Subject: Re: Unlock the Waiting Lists
From: Mitch Seabaugh
Date: Tue, January 30, 2007 2:09 pm
To: Linda Wilson
Thank you for your e-mail and I am supportive of 2,000 waivers and will voice such support as we go through the budget process.
Hi Mitch,
It's that time of year again and I just wanted to remind you of the Unlock the Waiting Lists campaign and the waiver needs for the developmental disability community for the 2008 budget.
I want to first thank you for your past leadership in supporting disability issues! The funding of 1,500 MRWP services and 162 ICWP slots last year will give support to thousands of individuals and families.
As you know our daughter, Cheryl, is 20 and is profoundly physically and
mentally delayed. She functions at an approximate 1 year age level. As we get older, we are concerned about Cheryl's future and the future of other individuals in this same situation. Your support of additional waivers and a multi-year funding plan will enable Cheryl to receive the supports she needs in the future.
Please continue your commitment to people with disabilities waiting for help in Georgia by funding supports to Unlocking the Waiting Lists. As a part of a multi-year funding plan, please recommend for the FY2008 budget a total of 2,000 MRWP services for people who want and need alternatives to institutions and nursing homes.
Please let me know of any thing that I or my family can help you with during the session.
Thank you for all you do!
PeachCare still has impact on Georgia's Budget
PeachCare funding slows down session
By Brandon Larrabee and Vicky Eckenrode Morris News Service
ATLANTA - With a PeachCare funding gap gouging a $50-million hole in the budget for the current fiscal year, the Georgia General Assembly will stop the legislative clock this week to give budget writers a chance to look for a fix.
The House and Senate won't meet Monday through Wednesday so the House Appropriations Committee can work on revisions to the budget for the state spending year that ends June 30. Without an infusion of cash from either Congress or the General Assembly, officials at the State Department of Community Health say they could have to cut off coverage as soon as March for more than 270,000 children.
Gov. Sonny Perdue testified before Congress on Thursday, pleading with senators to find a way to close the gap for Georgia and other states facing similar shortfalls.
Without more federal money, the General Assembly could be forced to look for $57 million to plug the hole. But it could take Congress weeks to appropriate any money for the program. State House Appropriations Chairman Ben Harbin, R-Evans, said his committee is trying to wait to see what Congress will do, though action there isn't expected until mid-February or March. "PeachCare is too important," Mr. Harbin said. "It's too important for us to move quickly."
Saturday, February 03, 2007
New DHR Board member from Wrightsville
Jean R. Sumner, M.D., 54, Wrightsville, 12th Congressional District – Sumner is a physician in private practice at Washington County Internal Medicine where she has an emphasis on geriatrics and long term care. She is a member of the Composite State Board of Medical Examiners, the State Medical Education Board, the American College of Physicians, the Georgia Geriatrics Society, and is chairman of the Johnson County Board of Health. She served as president of the East Georgia Medical Society and the Georgia Medical Directors Association. Sumner earned a bachelor’s degree and a master’s degree in nursing from the Medical College of Georgia and earned a medical degree from the Mercer University School of Medicine. She and her husband, Joe, have two grown children.
Helpful Links
The National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS) is a nonprofit organization, established in 1964, to improve and expand public services to people with mental retardation and other developmental disabilities. they just announced Nancy Thaler as their NASDDDS Executive Director
“Parallels in Time, Part 2,” our newest online resource, is packed with hundreds of photos, videos and documents associated with the important societal and legislative milestones from 1950 through 2005. Sections include A Place To Call Home, Definitions and Perspectives on Disability, A Place To Learn, Real Work, and much, much more. This resource is available anytime, at www.mncdd.org/parallels2/index.htm.
"Partners in Education," is a six-hour, self-directed e-learning course to help parents with children with developmental disabilities better understand and maximize the benefits of special education services and inclusion for their children, is now available. Go to www.partnersinpolicymaking.com/education to review the course and give us your comments and feedback.
"Making Your Case" is a three-hour, self-directed course on how to communicate with public officials by effectively telling your personal story, writing a letter, providing testimony, and communicating in positive ways. Go to www.partnersinpolicymaking.com/makingyourcase to review the course. We welcome your comments and feedback.
"Partners in Employment" is a six-hour, self-directed course created to give users the practical skills needed to find real, competitive employment in their own community. Participants will receive helpful information on how to find a job, writing a resume, participating in an interview, and planning for your career. Go to www.partnersinpolicymaking.com/employment to get started.
Response from Rep. Keith Heard...
Thank you for writing me to express your support for funding of Unlocking the Waiting Lists. I realize how important this issue is to you and I appreciate you taking the time to write about it. Please be assured that I will take under consideration your opinions and views in mind as I continue to discuss legislation with my colleagues throughout the session.
If there is anything else I can do to be of service to you, please do not hesitate to contact my office at (404) 656-0220.
Representative Keith G. Heard
District 114