We are looking for highly enthusiastic Partners and Voices alumni who want to make a contribution and to give back to Georgia and their communities. We have close to 600 graduates from across Georgia, and we are always looking for ways to get graduates connected to opportunities to use and grow their advocacy and leadership skills.
The following is a list of opportunities that are open to graduates.
Crisis Intervention Team Training-
• A training for police on crisis intervention. In conjunction with the National Association on Mental Illness (NAMI), AADD has been training police officers on issues related to Developmental Disabilities. The CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) training presents police officers with information about developmental disabilities and describes ways to effectively interact with people of varying exceptionalities. The trainings describe the challenges that police officers often face and the challenges a person with a developmental disability could face. We are looking for additional trainers to conduct training sessions in an effort to reach more officers around the metro area. This issue is of great importance to our families and communities. Trainings are held in Atlanta. Contact
Emily Severtson.
Unlock Volunteer at the Capitol to survey legislators during the 08 session
• This project would involve coming to the Georgia Capitol during the legislative session and conducting one to one surveys with legislators on disability issues. There would be short training by phone or one on one to prepare you. Contact
Joe Sarra.
Attend Legislative day at the Capitol- • This project is an Advocacy 201 project for advocates who are ready to move to the next level. Advocates would participate in a training by conference call and would come to the Capitol to meet one on one with their own legislator. We piloted this project last year and now want to open it up to more advocates. Contact
Rita Young to register. We will take the first 50 participants to respond. We hold this event separate from Disability Day in order to be able to support participants. This event will be held in early February.
Justice and DD Coalition- GA Code project
• The Coalition is a collaborative effort of disability professionals, providers, judges, law enforcement personnel, attorneys, advocates, and individuals with developmental disabilities designed to encourage the fair treatment and access to equal justice for individuals with developmental disabilities. Graduates would assist the coalition to implement an initiative to change the GA Code using concepts of People First Language. Contact
Dave Blanchard for more details.
Aging and DD trainer- • Trainers are needed to increase community awareness of aging with developmental disabilities and to provide and support partnerships, sharing of resources and information to family members, providers, and local and state agencies. This would involve coming to one train the trainer event in Atlanta and then delivering one training to one of the twelve Area Agencies on Aging. Contact
Rita Young for more information. Trainers would receive compensation for their time training ,and an application and resume would need to be submitted for consideration.
Independent Care Waiver Program Support- • Graduates would be assisting as needed for home and community based services for the ICWP waiver. This could include supporting people to give testimony, distributing fact sheets and other information to legislators. Contact
Pat Puckett.
Supporting the organizing committee of Long Road Home• On June 22, 1999, the U.S. Supreme Court affirmed the right of people with disabilities to live in their community through the Olmstead Decision. Each year, self-advocates and supporters have events to commemorate and show support for deinstitutionalization of people with disabilities. Contact
Cheri Mitchell.
Start a self advocate network in your town-self advocates only• Start a self advocate group in your community to meet, discuss and advocate for issues. Contact
Kate Gainer.
Disability Day at the Capitol• Be available to help the organizing committee of Disability day on February 21st as needed. Contact
Kate Gainer for more information.
Start or join the a Navigator team in your county• There are twenty six Navigator teams across the state of Georgia working within communities to support families of children with disabilities. Navigator teams were started a few years ago as a connection point for families looking for support and resources. Begin or join a chapter in your county by contacting