Saturday, August 27, 2005

Department of Human Resources recommended 1,500 slots in 2007 budget

The DHR reccomended 1,500 slots in their budget reccomendation to the Governor. This is great news for disability advocates. See

Budget Proposal


Anonymous said...

Dave: How can this be good news, when the 1500 new srvices will have to be funded out of the same pot that is received by the current Waiver recipients! It is just a rearrangement of the same money--who will be cut, how, where, and when? Shirley B.

Dave said...

My understanding is that this money will for new slots and not cut into exisiting supports, In fact, it will roll out on top of the 4.5% increase to provider rates that will take affect in the FY06 budget. So it is something we can be excited about, I think. We have to measure our feeling of accomplishment...there are over 6,000 people currently waiting for supports.