Thursday, December 15, 2005

Speaker Richardson outlines 2006 Session

This is an interesting preview into what to expect during the session this year. Expect a short session with few bills, as well as restraint on increased spending. To track legislation regarding disability issues go to AADD's Legislative Action Center There is also a very interesting article today in the Athens Banner on Georgia's budget surplus at Lawmakers analyze possible surplus

Speaker Glenn Richardson said Wednesday that Georgia House members plan to push for tougher laws on sexual predators and limiting government condemnation of private property when the 2006 General Assembly session opens next month...At a briefing for reporters, Richardson (R-Hiram) also predicted that the controversial requirement of a photo identification for voters will be debated by lawmakers for a second straight session...Richardson said lawmakers would put a high priority on approving a bill making it more difficult for governments to use the power of eminent domain...The speaker also told reporters he was skeptical of claims that the state may have enough money to give election-year refunds to taxpayers, as some Republicans have suggested. Richardson said the bulk of any budget surplus could be eaten up by higher Medicaid and education costs...The speaker said he had stressed to House members that he wanted a short session and as few bills as possible.
Click here to see read "Speaker spells out '06 agenda" on

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