We spent the first week of the session working hard to make sure legislators understood our reaction to the Governor's FY07 budget. In a word, dissappointment! Governor Perdue chose not to fund the 1,500 new slots called for by the multiple year funding plan developed by DHR and DCH. We feel that funding only 750 slots, with so much honest need throughout Georgia, is clearly a step backwards for disability supports. Last year we watched the waiting list grow by 1,187 people; 750 is just not good enough. And 750 slots is misleading, included in these slots is much needed support for 123 people being served in the prisons of institutions and nursing homes. We celebrate the opportunity for these 123 to finally live where they choose, but because they currently recieve supports, they are not counted in the 6,489 people on the waiting lists. That leaves only 627 slots for the 6,489 currently waiting and the over 1,000 people we are going to see come onto the list over the next year.
Some of our visits with legislators were hopeful, such as with Rep Brown and Rep Manning. They were very supportive of our issue and I believe really want to try to help. These two legislators even voiced their concern publicly during the House Health subcommittee on Thursday.
But there is very hard work again to convince legislators that they need to find the money to restore the slots to 1,500. You can help. We are also looking for volunteers to help us survey all 236 legislators on disability issues. We will post their responses on their websites, for example, click Rep Sharon Cooper to see what one legislator said about our issues. If you are interested in helping us, just email us and let us know. You would need to be able to spend a few hours at the Capitol.
Are you outraged, frustrated, motivated...what do you think our response to the Governor's budget funding only 750 slots should be?!
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