This week the House continued to work on the FY07 budget while the Senate finished their work on the FY06 amended budget. Our focus continues to be on the FY07 budget, spending the week meeting with leadership from both the House and Senate and presenting recommendations for funding the 1,500 for 9 months for MRWP slots and 152 ICWP slots.
On Wednesday the 8th, the House Health subcommittee met to receive briefings from the Department of Community Health and other departments on the FY07 budget. Rep. Manning and Rep. Burmeister both voiced concern that there were no ICWP slots in this budget.
Thank you for continuing to send us the responses you are getting back from legislators. Here is one from a very important allies...
February 14th
"Thanks so much and I will work on your concerns."
Representative James Mills, House District 25
February 10th
"Thanks you, I will continue to work to help people like your daughter. The problem with the Gov.'s budget it only places 750 slots instead of the 1500 we put in last budget . He is also only funding it at 6 mo. We are fighting to change this to annual and go back to the 1500 slots." Thanks,
Representative Jay Shaw, District 176
February 7th
"Good to hear from you! WE are working on increasing the number of slots in both categories. I met with the state advocates yesterday and we are going to work with the House to increase the number.
Thanks for getting in touch."
Senator Jack Hill, District 4
February 12th
"I apologize for taking this long in respond to your e-mail. I've been waiting, hoping to have some good news. As of right now we have a commitment for 750 slots to be put in the 07 budget. We are just beginning to work on that budget so we will be working to increase the 750."
Representative Ellis Black, House District 174
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