It looks like they will not find a resolution tonight. It is still possible for them to find compromise in time for a vote Thursday - but time is running out...we are all heading home to return tomorrow for more...stay tuned.
UPDATE 4:05pm
Now the word is that it will be "no later than 5pm" that they will meet.
UPDATE 2:15pm
Word has spread that they have moved their meeting back to 3pm....

After impassionate speeches by both President Pro-Tem Senator Johnson, (Savannah-R) and Speaker Glenn Richardson,(Hiram-R ) about the reasons for the impasse on the FY07 budget - the members of conference committee met at 11:50am for 8 minutes to exchange their own versions of the budget. During these eight minutes, they agreed to meet again at 2pm today to run through their differences and agreements.
They are quickly running out of time. In order for them vote on the budget by Thursday, the 40th day, they have time for the budget staff to tie up their proposals, ensure that the budget balances and then print over 236 copies...some say that this process roughly takes 24 hours, others say 10 hours at least.
They now rushed back to their respective offices and review the other's proposal. There are no rumors or fact behind whether they will accept the 3,000 or 1,500 services for MRWP.
Dave, blogging from the Capitol
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