Friday, July 14, 2006

Help ensure strong funding for programs like Partners In Policymaking

The National Association of Developmental Disability Councils is working to increasing the federal dollars that support the work of the Governor’s Councils. The Georgia Governor’s Council has a proven track record of supporting life changing programs such as Partners
in Policymaking for so it is important you strongly support for the work that they do by responding to this email.

We need you to contact Senator Johnny Isakson and Senator Saxby Chambliss and encourage them to support increased funding for Councils. The critical date is July 18th.

If you decide to call, ask to speak to the staffer who handles disability issues and tell them that you would,

"ask the Senator to provide $84.5 million to State DD Councils when the Senate Subcommittee marks-up its Labor, HHS, Education spending bill on July 18, 2006"

(202) 224-3643 Isakson: Staffer is Tyler Thompson

(202) 224-3521 Chambliss: Staffer is Steve Rebillot

Let us know automatically that you have helped by making your call.

If you decide to email, you will need to go to their website and cut and paste the text from below into the message box.

Johnny Isakson's Website or Saxby Chambliss' Website

Let us know automatically that you have helped by sending your email.

When the Senate Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, HHS, Education and Related Agencies marks up its spending bill on July 18, 2006, it is imperative that State and Territorial Councils on Developmental Disabilities (DD) receive adequate funding in FY 2007.

I ask you and the Subcommittee to appropriate $84.5 million to DD Councils under the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (P.L. 106-402).

Councils struggle not only to meet their obligations under the DD Act, but also to address unmet needs within their States. When the 106th Congress reauthorized the DD Act in 2000, the authority for State Councils on Developmental Disabilities was increased to $76 million and “such sums as necessary” for FY 2001-2007, in recognition of the significant work of these entities within each State and Territory. To date, Councils have not been funded at this authorization level, nor have they received a standard cost of living adjustment in recent appropriations bills.

In FY 2001, 2002 and 2003, some Councils lost up to 20% of their funding as a result of a legislative drafting error when specific “hold harmless” language was inadvertently omitted during the drafting of the last reauthorization of the DD Act in 2000. Further, over the last two fiscal years, Councils have experienced a one- and two-percent rescission that dealt a serious blow to their individual budgets. During this period, our sister agencies authorized by the DD Act – University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDDs) and Protection & Advocacy (P&A) agencies – have received appropriation increases. The intent of the DD Act is that all three entities in each State and Territory work in partnership to produce positive systems change. As Councils fall further behind in funding, they find it increasingly difficult to be full collaborators in these partnerships.

We, ask, therefore, that the Appropriations Subcommittee on Labor, Health and Human Services, Education and Related Agencies provide funding that makes up for these rescissions, as well as a cost of living adjustment.

Despite these cuts, Councils have continued to make a positive impact on the lives of people with developmental disabilities in each State and Territory. Their work has gone well beyond the original investment of Federal dollars. Still, Councils are struggling to fulfill their responsibility of improving the quality of life for individuals with developmental disabilities in this country. Thank you for your continued leadership on behalf of people with developmental disabilities in our State.

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