The FY2008 budget cycle is in full swing with the Senate beginning to look at what agencies are recommending. Senator Hill comments on Olmstead and Unlock in today's release.
December 29, 2006
Agencies Submit Budget Requests
This week we will review the formal requests and offline requests from the Department of Human Resources within the scope of the Senate Human Development Subcommittee of Appropriations, Chaired by Senator Renee Unterman.
Department of Human Resources (DHR) - FY 2008 Budget Requests
The Department of Human Resources, with over twenty thousand employees, is responsible for the delivery of many critical health and social services throughout our state. Investigating abuse allegations, assisting needy families, providing mental health services, and monitoring health epidemics are a few of the many services that this agency provides. The total FY2007 budget request for the Department of Human Resources is $3,065,066,483 ($1,403,343,099 state general funds).
DHR - Division of Family and Children Services
The Division of Family and Children Services (DFCS) goals are to investigate possible child abuse and locate foster homes for abused and neglected children. DHR is requesting $1.3 million in federal funds to expand their "Grandparents Raising Grandchildren" program. Many times it is beneficial for a grandparent to take care of a child if the parent cannot. This will allow financial support and services to aid that care.
Another item that will impact DFCS in the coming years is the settlement agreement reached in the lawsuit Kenny A. vs. Perdue. This case involved Children's Right's Inc., a child advocacy group, who filed suit in June of 2002 charging that DFCS in DeKalb and Fulton Counties were overburdened and in crisis. A settlement agreement was reached in July of 2005 that would require caseload limits, foster care payment increases, and a reform of the placement process of foster children.
DHR-Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities, and Addictive Diseases
The Division of Mental Health, Developmental Disabilities and Addictive Diseases (MHDDAD) provides treatment and support services to people with mental illnesses and addictive diseases. Support services are also provided to people with mental retardation and related developmental disabilities.
The Supreme Court decision, Olmstead v. L.C. ruled that unnecessary segregation of individuals with disabilities in institutions may constitute discrimination based on disability. The Supreme Court also ordered the state to look at community based services rather than institutional placements for individual with disabilities. To comply with the Olmstead decision, MHDDAD is seeking to expand the availability for community service placements. Last year, the General Assembly expanded access by 1500 slots. The division wants to further this expansion by at least 1000 slots in FY2008.
DHR is also responsible for the care of those in the criminal justice system who need screening and treatment for mental health issues. Local sheriffs are currently obligated to drive these prisoners to the nearest DHR facility for intake and evaluation. This is very burdensome for those sheriffs located far from a DHR facility. DHR is proposing a pilot so that evaluations can be done via video conferencing. If successful, it can be expanded statewide. This pilot program will cost about $100,000.
DHR- Division of Aging Services and Division of Public Health
The Division of Aging Services in DHR seeks to support and assist Georgia's senior citizens. In the FY2008 budget, the Department will seek to serve an additional 500 elderly clients through its Community Care Services Program (CCSP). CCSP provides services that will keep these elderly clients out of nursing homes and in the community as long as possible.
The Division of Public Health is responsible for monitoring and preserving the health status of Georgians. The Division is asking for approximately $15 million state dollars to purchase 1 million flu shots to prevent an influenza outbreak. DHR is also requesting that the new cervical cancer vaccine, Gardasil, be put on the vaccine formulary for 11 year old girls. To cover the cost of immunizing children who cannot afford this costly vaccine (approximately $300/child) DHR is asking for $4.3 million.

All About Developmental Disabilities (AADD) is Atlanta's preeminent resource on developmental disabilities, providing support services to families for more than 55 years. We are often the one place where people with developmental disabilities can go to achieve personal empowerment, family stability and community participation. AADD provides family support; public policy and advocacy; and community engagement.
Friday, December 29, 2006
DHR Budget Requests
Senator Jack Hill - (R-Reidsville) sends out by email his thoughts on the upcoming conversation on Georgia's state budget. His most recent email covered the funding for disability services come under the Departments of Community Health and Human Resources. I thought you might like to see it...I've highlighted his comments on our issue. You can email him your thoughts at
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