Monday, January 08, 2007

Governor Perdue Delivers "State of the Future" Address

Inaugural Address of Governor Sonny Perdue

8 January 2007
Before I begin my remarks today, I would like to ask three gentlemen to join me at the podium....the former governors who are present with us today, Governor Carl Sanders, Governor Joe Frank Harris and Governor/Senator Zell Miller.

Ladies and gentlemen, not too many years ago, a man traveled to and fro across this state telling everyone who would listen a folksy story about a turtle on a fencepost. The point of the story was that if you drive down the road and see a turtle on a fencepost, then you can be assured that turtle didn't get there by himself...that he had help.

On behalf of a grateful state, I want to ask our audience to stand with me as we acknowledge that you all helped put Georgia on a high...high fencepost.

My fellow Georgians, I stand before you once more, as I did four years ago, humbled by history . . . lifted by your support. It is an incredible honor to be playing my small part in a long line of great Georgians.

The 13th original colony. The fourth state to ratify the US Constitution....

For the rest of his speech, go to his website.

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