During the day, a lot of resources were shared by the participants and by our speaker, Carey Griffin.
Look on the right column of the blog to see recommended books from the day. By purchasing the book through our referral, you are helping give families and individuals access to advocacy training to make a difference right here in Georgia!
Applications for membership on the State Advisory Panel (SAP) are available on the GaDOE website, Exceptional Students page. Panel membership is established in compliance with Federal and State regulations which mandate that, “Parents of children with disabilities and individuals with disabilities shall compose a majority of panel membership.” Other panel members are to include teachers, state and local education officials, special education administrators, and representatives of organizations and agencies involved with services for children with disabilities. Members should represent each congressional district and be representative of the State population. Please see complete details on the SAP webpage. Please pass this information on to anyone who might be interested in applying for membership on the Panel. Applications will be accepted until April 1, 2007. For further information contact Julie Moilanen at j.moilanen@grady.k12.ga.us or Ginny O’Connell at voconnel@doe.k12.ga.us.
Benefits Navigator Program with the Shepherd Center houses the Work Incentives Planning and Assistance (WIPA): a cooperative agreement between the Social Security Administration and Shepherd Center's WIPA Program to provide accurate work incentive information to people between the ages of 14 and 65 who receive Supplemental Security Income (SSI), Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI), or both which is based on a medical condition.Griffin's questions to discover your personal genius: List 2 things most people dont know about you? When and where are you at your best? Other than your immediate family, who knows you best? When and where do you have your highest support needs? What gets you out of bed in the morning, besides work?
Some people in Georgia who have a national reputation for thinking about job development: Patty Cassidy at the University of Georgia or Briggs and Associates.
Other web resources on employment recommended by Cary Griffin : www.griffinhammis.com
www.centerforsocialcapital.org (coming soon)
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