Wednesday, April 04, 2007

Vouchers for children with disabilities still being debated

Henry T. Edmondson III, a political science professor at Georgia College and author of "John Dewey and the Decline of American Education," made the case today in the AJC that flexbility is needed in the school system.
Critics further note that under special education voucher programs, parents who opt to use a voucher must waive their access to federal resources provided by the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. But this is precisely the decision for a caring parent to make, and the fact that some make it in other states is evidence that IDEA does not always ensure quality special education. Besides, parents can always relinquish their voucher the next year if they should find that their child's earlier schooling was superior.
This issue is still being hotly debated. We all want what is best for children with disabilities. If this program moves forward, how do we ensure that all children are recieving the best educational experience?

How do we measure success?

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