Friday, September 18, 2009

Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities Advisory Members

The Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities is accepting applications from individuals with developmental disabilities who are interested in becoming Advisory Members of the Council. We will accept applications until December 1, 2009.

In January, 1998, the Governor's Council on Developmental Disabilities created a membership category called advisory member. These are individuals with developmental disabilities and family members not appointed by the Governor to the Council but who are valuable in understanding the needs and issues in Georgia. Advisory members have a better understanding of how the Council operates and its mission. After having served a two-year term, advisory members are recommended to the Governor to serve as full Council members as openings became available. Like full Council members, advisory members are expected to attend Council and committee meetings, take responsibility and follow through on assignments, and open doors to communities that they participate in. Each member is expected to develop certain skills such as to learn more about local, state, and federal issues impacting people with developmental disabilities and their families.

Description of Advisory Membership:

1. The Council will accept up to six advisory members at any time.
2. Each advisory member will serve only one two-year term.
3. Advisory members are expected to attend quarterly Council meetings, participate on atleast one standing committee, and attend Council sponsored events.
4. Advisory members may participate in all discussions of committees and full Council butdo not have voting privilege.
5. Advisory members must follow the same standards and policies as Council membersincluding conflict of interest and travel policies.
6. Advisory members are entitled to travel and participate in all Council activities includingreimbursement for travel, childcare and personal assistance.
7. Advisory members may request funds to travel to events in Georgia or other parts of thecountry. These requests must receive approval from the Council Chairperson inconsultation with the Executive Director.
8. One Advisory member will be elected to serve on the Council's Executive Committee.

Council Member Attendance Policy

The Council recognizes the importance of members attending quarterly and committee meetings. Recognizing the importance of attendance, the Council's by-laws state that If a Council member is not in attendance at two successive official business meetings, the Executive Board may consider whether to request of that Council member his or her voluntary resignation from the Council.
1. The Chairperson will contact any individual who has missed two consecutive meetings and determine why the individual has missed meetings. The Chairperson will stress the importance of attending meetings and determine the individuals commitment to Council.
2. The Chairperson will send a follow-up letter to the individual emphasizing the importance of attending meetings and explaining the process for member removal if the individual continues to miss meetings. The Executive Board will receive a copy of this letter.
3. If the individual misses a third meeting, the Chairperson will call the individual and explain that he/she is in jeopardy of being removed from the Council.
4. The Chairperson will send a letter to the individual explaining that procedures will be taken to remove the individual from Council. At that time, the individual may request a meeting with the Executive Board to explain any circumstances for missing meetings.The Executive Board will determine whether to ask for the individuals resignation or request removal by the Governor. The Executive Board will receive a copy of all correspondence.

Please click on the link below to view and print application; you may also go to the Georgia Council on Developmental Disabilities website at, scroll down and click on the Advisory Member Application. No faxes will be accepted. application.pdf

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