Friday, January 15, 2010

Coweta Special Ed Program Receives State Honor

By Jeff Bishop
The Times-Herald
Newnan, GA
January 15, 2010

The Coweta County School System's Special Education program has been recognized for high achievement by the state of Georgia.

"Your system is one of the highest performers on one or more indicators when compared to systems of similar size," Dr. Martha Reichrath, deputy state superintendent of schools, informed Coweta County Superintendent Blake Bass in a recent letter.

"Congratulations on your outstanding accomplishment," Reichrath said.

The recognition was announced at the annual fall conference of the Georgia Council for Administrators of Special Education.

Coweta County was recognized as a "leader in the state of Georgia" for its "outstanding efforts to improve the performance of students with disabilities."

The Coweta County Board of Education recognized Gina Murray, director of special education for the county, and several other staff members this week at the county school offices on Jackson Street.

The recognition was for the 2008-2009 school year.

"We are grateful to you... your staff, parents, and community members of your stakeholders committee," said Reichrath.

"With continued efforts, we will see even greater gains for students with disabilities in the future."

"We appreciate all your hard work," Bass told Murray and her staff team.

"This means a lot to us," he said. "We know about the good job our teachers do, but it's nice to be recognized by the state as a leader."

"Our teachers and parapros are the best in Georgia, and they work very hard," said Murray. "We're very proud."

Sue Brown, vice-chair of the school board, said that the special ed department has a crackerjack group of secretaries, too.

"Without them, you couldn't do the job, either," she said.

"I agree," said Bass.
© 2010 The Newnan Times-Herald Inc.

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