Wednesday, July 28, 2010

New Council Could Make Big Changes In Taxes

The group’s final recommendations will go to the General Assembly, which will vote them up or down when they return for the 2011 legislative session in January.

By James Salzer
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Georgia Politics
July 28, 2010

A new panel looking at Georgia taxes begins work Wednesday with everything on the table.

And that means everything -- from eliminating loopholes and restoring a 4 percent sales tax on all groceries to adding new levies on services from haircuts to auto repairs and giving businesses incentives to hire.

While political leaders say they want the committee to modernize -- not raise -- taxes, the Special Council on Tax Reform and Fairness will be the most heavily lobbied group around. Every business and industry in the state will want to either make sure its current exemptions are kept on the books or try to get new tax breaks.

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