Monday, September 26, 2011

An Expensive Fight Over a Boy With Autism

When the police came, Stefan Ferrari’s teacher described Oct. 21, 2008, in her classroom for autistic children as “a regular, ordinary day.”
Perhaps it was, except for the tiny digital recorder sewn into the collar of Stefan’s shirt.
The device, planted by Stefan’s mother, collected eight hours and 19 minutes of sound, much of it the banality of yet another school day for a non-verbal 10-year-old. It also captured the teacher and her colleagues talking about sex and martinis. It picked up the teacher’s teasing Stefan after he ate pizza from the trash. And it chronicled the threat of a “be-quiet hit” to a crying child, followed by the repeated slaps of an adult’s hand against Stefan’s bottom.
That single day in an Atlanta classroom led to lawsuits in state and federal courts, to the teacher’s firing, to threats of criminal charges — against Stefan’s parents — and, finally, to what may have been the inevitable fracture of the boy’s family. Atlanta Public Schools spent $1.1 million of taxpayers’ money fighting Stefan’s family in court before agreeing this summer to pay private school tuition and therapeutic expenses into his adulthood.
For more on this story, click here

Friday, September 23, 2011

AADD's 1956 Like Us Campaign Update

Since the launch of our 1956 Facebook Campaign to celebrate our 55th year of service to the community, 
AADD Facebook 2124 people have "liked" us on Facebook.  Our goal is to get 1,956 people to "like" AADD and reach as many people as we can in order to continuously educate the community about our services and events.

If you haven't liked AADD already, it's quick and very easy!  All you have to do is go to our Facebook Page and click the "Like" button at the top. Share our page and encourage your Facebook "friends" to like AADD!

Each week, we will feature contests and a chance to win prizes, so visit often to see what's new.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Partners in Policymaking Reunion

I wanted to extend to you a friendly reminder that the deadline to apply for the Partners in Policymaking Reunion is quickly approaching. We are excited to bring the best advocates in Georgia together to continue our learning and to celebrate our many successes. We have developed an agenda that we feel will continue to strengthen our advocacy skills and an early evening reception to celebrate all that you do to advocate for people with disabilities.

We have planned an All Star Conversations That Matter discussion which will include Beverley Rollins. Also included will be sessions on Social Media and how to use it to better leverage our advocacy efforts, Hot Issues for the 2012 Legislative Session, and a Wellness for Advocates segment that will help us to live strong as an advocate.

Friday, November 4, 2011
9:30am-5:30pm Training
5:30pm-7:30pm Reception
Peachtree Christian Church
1580 Peachtree St. NW
Atlanta, Georgia 30309

Please register by October 7, 2011 at  The registration fee is $25.00. Limited scholarships are available for Childcare, Personal Support, Registration, Mileage and Transportation. We have limited space, so please sign up early. If you have any questions, please email Ryan Johnson at or call 404-881-9777 x 217.

Don’t miss out. Register today!
Invite you to attend
"Georgia Solutions Summit"

Wednesday, September 28, 2011
7:00 PM to 8:00 PM
Country Club of Roswell
2500 Club Springs Dr.
Roswell, GA 30076

Senate Republicans believe the best ideas and solutions begin at home, not in Atlanta. With this in mind, we invite you to attend "Georgia Solutions Summits" across Georgia this summer and fall. Georgians are encouraged to meet informally with Senators and share positive solutions for Georgia's challenges.

Please join your state Senator John Albers, Senate Leadership and other Senators from around the state to share your ideas and issues facing your districts. Together we can make Georgia the most prosperous state in America.

Security Guard Removes Woman Over Seeing-Eye Dog

A Barrow County woman said she suffered bruises and a minor shoulder injury after a guard at a Social Security office tried to remove her because of her service dog.
"He provides my independence. He basically serves as my eyes," Melissa McMann said, of the yellow lab named Hurbie, her trained service dog.
McMann suffers from a degenerative retinal condition.
"In places like dark buildings, I virtually have no sight," McMann told Channel 2 Action News reporter Manuel Bojorquez.
She said she is accustomed to questions about where the dog can and cannot go. So she's researched the law and said, as a service dog, Hurbie is entitled to go where most of the public is allowed.
That was challenged Sept. 15, when her husband drove her to the Social Security office in Winder and, she said, a guard asked for the dog's papers.

"I proceeded to tell him that he doesn't have papers but that he's wearing his harness and he's a certified seeing-eye dog," she said.
The dog's harness is marked with the name of the school where he trained and the message, "Ignore me. I'm a working dog."
McMann said the law does not require a need to provide documentation. So, she asked the guard to provide in writing to her and her husband the law he was citing. That's when the disagreement escalated.
McMann said the guard grabbed her wrist, then her upper arm and forced her from the chair in which she was sitting.
"When he started to grab my wife, that is when I called the police," said McMann’s husband, Chris.
According to a Winder police report, the incident left her with bruises and a minor shoulder injury.
The guard involved in the incident, Leroy Huff, told Bojorquez he was simply following orders and acted based on training but that he could not say more because the case is under investigation.
Winder police said there is an arrest warrant for battery against Huff and that he plans to turn himself in.
A Social Security representative provided the following statement: "Service animals are allowed in Social Security field offices. We have apologized to Ms. McMann for the unfortunate incident that occurred with the contract security guard in our Winder field Office.”
"The guard is a contracted worker from a security company used by the Department of Homeland Security. We referred this matter to the Federal Protective Service of the Department of Homeland Security for appropriate action," the statement said.
Mr. McMann said they're speaking out to bring awareness to the issues of those who must use service animals.
"The laws are very clear, if you know them but even if they're not, you would think that common sense would prevail," he said.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Disabled Activists Protest Medicaid Cuts at White House

For Immediate Release Contact: Janine Bertram (503) 622-6387
September 19, 2011  Bruce Darling (585) 370-6690

Marsha Katz (406) 544-9504


Washington, DC---As the President unveiled his debt plan this morning, hundreds of activists with disabilities stormed the White House to demand a voice in the structuring of Medicaid reform.  ADAPT, the national disability rights direct action group, is asking the administration to work with them to ensure that Medicaid dollars are invested in cost-saving community supports.

“The President says that he expects all Americans to share the burden of controlling the budget, but Medicaid recipients are already shouldering the burden for balancing budgets at the state level,” said Randy Alexander of Memphis ADAPT. “States have already made significant cuts to Medicaid. How many more people with disabilities and seniors must lose our basic freedoms and lives in order to have done our share?” 

Bruce Darling, an ADAPT organizer from Rochester, New York, pointed out that states have already reduced or eliminated vital home care services and forced seniors and people with disabilities into nursing facilities against their will. “People are already experiencing reduced or eliminated access to basic healthcare, including medications.  Jobs have already been eliminated for home care and direct care workers.”

ADAPT recognizes the need for new tax revenue and supports the President’s proposed so-called “millionaire’s tax.” Unlike Congressional Republicans who believe the burden of deficit reduction should only come from spending cuts to critical programs like Medicaid, the President has called for $1.5 trillion in new tax revenue.

ADAPT has reached out to the White House and Congress to offer proposals on how we can contain Medicaid spending that wouldn’t negatively impact on Medicaid beneficiaries.  The ADAPT Community has identified four principles for real Medicaid reform:

• Expand the use of community-based services
• Demedicalize services
• Expand consumer directed service options
• Reorganize Medicaid services to eliminate wasteful bureaucracy

“We are calling on the administration to work with us to promote the inclusion of these reforms,” said Cassie James Holdsworth of Philadelphia ADAPT.  “People have suffered enough in institutional settings.  We want the President to invest in consumer-directed community based services as part of his deficit plan.”

Details of ADAPT’s REAL Medicaid Reform proposals can be found on the ADAPT website at

Thursday, September 08, 2011

AADD 1956 Like Us Campaign

Hello Friends of AADD,

Did you know that
All About Developmental Disabilities turned 55 this year? AADD has been providing support services to families since 1956. In celebration of this milestone, we are launching our 1956 Facebook Campaign. Our goal is to get 1,956 people to "like" AADD on Facebook and reach as many people as we can in order to continuously educate the community about our services and events.

In order to successfully pull this off, we need your help. It's quick and very easy!  All you have to do is go to our Facebook Page and click the "Like" button at the top of the page.  By liking AADD, you can stay informed about disability issues within the Metro Atlanta area and throughout the State of Georgia. We also welcome your comments and feedback.  Another way you can help is by spreading the word and encouraging your Facebook "friends" to like our page as well!

Each week, we will feature contests and a chance to win prizes, so visit often to see what's new.

Thanks for your ongoing support! 

Wednesday, September 07, 2011

ADAPT Medicaid Rally

Capitol Hill   Washington, DC

September 21st at Noon

Medicaid is on the table for arbitrary and draconian cuts. The disability and aging communities must show Congress that "My Medicaid Matters" by having thousands show up on Capitol Hill on September 21st for a "Rally for Real Medicaid Reform".
So far, EVERY plan to address entitlements has included cuts to Medicaid. NONE has included reform measures proposed by the disability rights community. Make YOUR voice heard in Washington! Join disability, aging and civil rights groups in Washington DC on Capitol Hill, Wednesday September 21st starting at Noon. Rain or shine!

State Organizing

If we are going to be able to get strong numbers of our folks out to the Rally, we need strong organizing at the state level. We are looking for people to be local/state coordinators. Volunteering to be a local/state coordinator means you commit to the following:
  • Disseminate information about the Rally to folks in your state;
  • Outreach in your state to get people to attend; and
  • Work to assist and promote, in any way you can, participation from your area.
If you are interested contact:
Bob Kafka,, 512/431-4085
Stephanie Thomas 512/442-0252.
Check out our list of state organizers who are working on grassroots turn-out efforts.

Resources for Organizers

Media Materials
It's important that people all over the country know about the rally. Here are media materials that you can use to promote the rally. We are also providing the My Medicaid Matters rally logo in a number of different sizes for your use. Consider posting the logo on your group's website to show your support for Medicaid and the rally!
Promotional Materials
We have prepared flyers that organizers can use to promote the rally. Feel free to print them to distribute them locally. Both English and Spanishversions of the flyer are provided. You can start your state organizing with an introductory email. Here's a sample email prepared for New York State.
Travel to Washington DC
ADAPT has compiled information on travel options to Washington DC to get you started.
ADAPT has compiled a list of hotels near the Rally site. They are organized by published rate (with the least expensive first) to make the process easier for folks to find hotel rooms.
Fund Raising
Clearly, groups need funds in order to participate in the Rally. ADAPT of Texas has prepared a sample fund raising letter that you can modify for your own use.   Some groups use a simple flyer that folks can use to get funds. The look of the document is not as important as providing an opportunity for people to ASK.
Bus and Motorcoach Information for Groups
Here is some information on bus and motorcoach drop off locations and parking for the Rally.
Other Information Here is a link to an interactive map for the Rally and DC area. For those travelling into the rally, people can be dropped off:
  • where First Street NW connects with Pennsylvannia Avenue NW or
  • at First Street NW by the Capitol Reflecting Pool
For those that require a street adddress with a number, the US Botanic Gardens are nearby at 100 Maryland Ave SW. It's only a block from the rally site.

Financial Sponsorship Opportunities

Rally organizers are looking for organizations that can help by providing
financial sponsorship of the rally. If you are interested in supporting the My Medicaid Matters Rally for Real Medicaid Reform, you can send donations to:
Disabled in Action
714 Market Street, Suite 310
Philadelphia, PA 19106

Thanks to DIA of Pennsylvannia for being the fiscal sponsor of the rally!

Resources for Advocates

ADAPT has identified ways we can contain Medicaid spending while providing freedom and greater independence to people with disabilities. Check out
ADAPT's Medicaid Savings Ideas.

Additional Information

For more information, call us toll free at 877-237-2228 or email us at You can also check out our event listing on Facebook.

Tuesday, September 06, 2011

Comedian Tells 'Special Needs' Joke at Palin Event

TRENDING: Comedian tells 'special needs' joke at Palin event
Washington (CNN) - In comedy, timing is everything.
And minutes before Sarah Palin, former Alaska governor and parent of a child with Down syndrome, made her much-anticipated speech in Iowa, Los Angeles-based comedian Eric Golub told a joke that compared liberal political ideology to “special needs children.”

After commending Palin on raising her son Trig while balancing other responsibilities, Golub made the analogy.
“For that reason alone, the left should worship Sarah Palin and adopt her as one of their own,” Golub said. “Because the leftist haters are an entire political ideology of special needs children.”
Golub continued by saying that liberals are needy and feel entitled.
“And unlike Trig, they aren't very lovable,” Golub said. “All you hear from them is give me, give me, I need, I need, I want, I deserve, I’m entitled – no you don’t.”
Since announcing she had a child with Down syndrome in 2008, Palin has defended the special needs community in a number of instances.
In February 2010, Palin called for Rahm Emanuel, then-White House chief of staff, to be fired after he called liberal groups thinking of running ads against Democratic lawmakers “retarded.”
When an episode of Fox’s “Family Guy” mocked Trig that same month, Palin wrote in a post to her Facebook followers that it felt like “a kick in the gut.”
She also included a response to the "Family Guy" episode from her daughter, Bristol Palin.
“As a culture, shouldn’t we be more compassionate to innocent people – especially those who are less fortunate,” Bristol wrote. “Shouldn’t we be willing to say that some things just are not funny?”
Palin never mentioned the remark while speaking at the tea party-affiliated “Restoring America” rally in Indianola, Iowa.
Charlie Gruschow, co-founder of Tea Party of America, said he never heard the comment or met the comedian before the event.
"Some of the people on staff had heard him speak before and thought he would be a good person to break up and entertain the crowd," Gruschow said.
This isn't the first time Golub made the comment. He also used it while speaking at a 2010 convention for the conservative organization Young America's Foundation.
Palin's team could not be reached for comment.
CNN's Ashley Killough contributed to this report.