Capitol Hill Washington, DC
Capitol Hill Washington, DC
September 21st at Noon
Medicaid is on the table for arbitrary and draconian cuts. The disability and aging communities must show Congress that "My Medicaid Matters" by having thousands show up on Capitol Hill on September 21st for a "Rally for Real Medicaid Reform".
So far, EVERY plan to address entitlements has included cuts to Medicaid. NONE has included reform measures proposed by the disability rights community. Make YOUR voice heard in Washington! Join disability, aging and civil rights groups in Washington DC on Capitol Hill, Wednesday September 21st starting at Noon. Rain or shine!
Thanks to the organizations sponsoring this Rally.
State Organizing
If we are going to be able to get strong numbers of our folks out to the Rally, we need strong organizing at the state level. We are looking for people to be local/state coordinators. Volunteering to be a local/state coordinator means you commit to the following:- Disseminate information about the Rally to folks in your state;
- Outreach in your state to get people to attend; and
- Work to assist and promote, in any way you can, participation from your area.
If you are interested contact:
Bob Kafka,, 512/431-4085
Stephanie Thomas 512/442-0252.
Bob Kafka,, 512/431-4085
Stephanie Thomas 512/442-0252.
Check out our list of state organizers who are working on grassroots turn-out efforts.
Resources for Organizers
Media Materials
It's important that people all over the country know about the rally. Here are media materials that you can use to promote the rally. We are also providing the My Medicaid Matters rally logo in a number of different sizes for your use. Consider posting the logo on your group's website to show your support for Medicaid and the rally!
It's important that people all over the country know about the rally. Here are media materials that you can use to promote the rally. We are also providing the My Medicaid Matters rally logo in a number of different sizes for your use. Consider posting the logo on your group's website to show your support for Medicaid and the rally!
Promotional Materials
We have prepared flyers that organizers can use to promote the rally. Feel free to print them to distribute them locally. Both English and Spanishversions of the flyer are provided. You can start your state organizing with an introductory email. Here's a sample email prepared for New York State.
We have prepared flyers that organizers can use to promote the rally. Feel free to print them to distribute them locally. Both English and Spanishversions of the flyer are provided. You can start your state organizing with an introductory email. Here's a sample email prepared for New York State.
Travel to Washington DC
ADAPT has compiled information on travel options to Washington DC to get you started.
ADAPT has compiled information on travel options to Washington DC to get you started.
ADAPT has compiled a list of hotels near the Rally site. They are organized by published rate (with the least expensive first) to make the process easier for folks to find hotel rooms.
ADAPT has compiled a list of hotels near the Rally site. They are organized by published rate (with the least expensive first) to make the process easier for folks to find hotel rooms.
Fund Raising
Clearly, groups need funds in order to participate in the Rally. ADAPT of Texas has prepared a sample fund raising letter that you can modify for your own use. Some groups use a simple flyer that folks can use to get funds. The look of the document is not as important as providing an opportunity for people to ASK.
Clearly, groups need funds in order to participate in the Rally. ADAPT of Texas has prepared a sample fund raising letter that you can modify for your own use. Some groups use a simple flyer that folks can use to get funds. The look of the document is not as important as providing an opportunity for people to ASK.
Bus and Motorcoach Information for Groups
Here is some information on bus and motorcoach drop off locations and parking for the Rally.
Other Information Here is a link to an interactive map for the Rally and DC area. For those travelling into the rally, people can be dropped off:Here is some information on bus and motorcoach drop off locations and parking for the Rally.
- where First Street NW connects with Pennsylvannia Avenue NW or
- at First Street NW by the Capitol Reflecting Pool
For those that require a street adddress with a number, the US Botanic Gardens are nearby at 100 Maryland Ave SW. It's only a block from the rally site.
Financial Sponsorship Opportunities
Rally organizers are looking for organizations that can help by providing
financial sponsorship of the rally. If you are interested in supporting the My Medicaid Matters Rally for Real Medicaid Reform, you can send donations to:
financial sponsorship of the rally. If you are interested in supporting the My Medicaid Matters Rally for Real Medicaid Reform, you can send donations to:
Disabled in Action
714 Market Street, Suite 310
Philadelphia, PA 19106
Thanks to DIA of Pennsylvannia for being the fiscal sponsor of the rally!
Resources for Advocates
ADAPT has identified ways we can contain Medicaid spending while providing freedom and greater independence to people with disabilities. Check out
ADAPT's Medicaid Savings Ideas.
ADAPT's Medicaid Savings Ideas.
Additional Information
For more information, call us toll free at 877-237-2228 or email us at You can also check out our event listing on Facebook.
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