Heart of Gold Awards Evening
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
Emory Conference Center
1615 Clifton Road - Atlanta, GA 30329
Deadline for nominations (postmarked, e-mailed, or faxed): Monday, February 15, 2010 – no exceptions!
About the Annual AADD Awards: AADD seeks to acknowledge and honor persons whose achievements related to developmental disabilities are consistent with the AADD mission and its positions, and merit special recognition.
AADD’s Mission: To build communities of acceptance, support, and opportunity for children, families, and individuals living with developmental disabilities.
AADD’s Vision: Strong communities encourage and support all people to: Make informed choices, actively participate, live in safe & positive environments, access and utilize resources, achieve health & wellness throughout their lives.
Selection of awardees is made by AADD’s Awards Committee, acting on behalf of the AADD Board of Directors. Selections are based on nominations received.
« Outstanding Individual Achievement Award: recognizes an individual living with a developmental disability whose personal achievements are extraordinary, setting a high standard to be emulated. The achievements may be in parenting, personal development, community involvement, independent living, or other comparable areas.
« Tom Graf Award: recognizes an individual whose efforts, in a professional capacity or advocacy role, represent an outstanding achievement or contribution that has benefited people with developmental disabilities. Achievement must be well above and beyond what would reasonably be expected for a person in the nominee’s position.
« Mary Yoder Award: recognizes an individual who has helped a person with developmental disabilities build strong relationships within their community. He or she works with local organizations that fulfill AADD’s mission to offer family preservation services that respect cultural and community differences for individuals experiencing crisis or significant challenges in their lives.
« Tommy Nobis Employment Award: recognizes an individual and employer who displayed support or outstanding accomplishment in a community work setting. This individual and employer provide a positive role model for a variety of job related and living skills. Nomination may include employer and employee together or separately.
« Educator of the Year Award: recognizes an individual whose efforts represent outstanding achievement or contribution in training or educating the public in a community setting such as a workshop, seminar, or within a public or private school or university. Strong nominations will be those persons that exemplify AADD’s mission and vision for strong communities of acceptance, support and opportunity.
AADD Heart of Gold Awards Nomination Form – 2010
Instructions: Please complete the nomination form as specific as possible about why your nominee is outstanding and uniquely deserving. If preferred, an on-line version of form available at AADD’s web site: http://www.aadd.org/.
NOTE: Please do NOT inform your nominee! Those selected will be contacted by the AADD Awards Committee. Thank you for your help making this a respectful and positive process!
Nominee’s Information:
(Nominations lacking contact information will not be considered)
Nominee’s Name: enter nominee's name
Address: nominee's address City: nominee's city State: nominee's state Zip: nominee's zip code
Daytime/Cell Phone: nominee's phone number E-mail address: nominee's e-mail address
Alternate Contact Name: alternate contact for nominee Relationship to Nominee: relationship of alternate contact
Alternate Contact’s Phone: alternate contact's phone no. Alternate Contact’s E-mail: alternate contact's e-mail
Award Category: (see detailed descriptions on page 1) Choose one (double click on box and then click “checked”):
Tom Graf Award
Mary Yoder Award
Tommy Nobis Employment Award
Outstanding Individual Achievement Award
Educator of the Year Award
Description of outstanding achievement:
Please summarize the outstanding nature of the contribution(s) made by this individual or group. Use one additional 8 ½ x 11 sheet if necessary. Include details, as appropriate, such as: obstacles overcome, years of service, number of people helped, years on the job, and other information to assist the committee.
Submitted by:
Name: enter your name
Company/Organization: your organization
Address: your address City: your city State: your state Zip: your zip code
Daytime Phone: your daytime phone Other phone: your alternate phone
E-mail address: your e-mail address
Mail, e-mail, or fax completed nomination form by Monday February 15, 2010, to:
Attention: Awards Committee,
1440 Dutch Valley Place, Suite 200,
Atlanta, GA 30324-5371.
Fax: 404-881-0094 ® E-mail: linda@aadd.org
Please feel free to forward copies of this blank form to other potential nominators.
AADD Heart of Gold Awards Nomination Form – 2010
Attachment: Additional Description of Outstanding Achievement
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