Wednesday, February 03, 2010

Unlock the Waiting Lists

This year is going to be rough one for funding for Unlock. A couple of things are happening that you need to know about.

First, the new Department of Behavioral Health and Developmental Disabilities was the only department that got an increase in the state budget this year and for fiscal year 2011. However, we believe as of today, that most of this money will go to improving hospitals and not for community services. Secondly, the waiting list numbers have dropped to about 4600 for DD instead of 6300. The state purged its list of names of individuals that had moved, or could not find, or were both on the short term and long term waiting lists. This is a real under representation of the true need and it concerns me. I am hearing that parents are hesitant to put their children on the waiting lists because of they have been told there is no funding or the amount of the wait is too long. I am left wondering what is happening to the 700-1000 students each year who graduate high school. What are you all hearing? Are parents giving up?

If you all have stories of people who are waiting for services that you think we need to know about, please call me at 770-688-5487 or email me

We welcome and invite you to join us for Unlock Day at the Capitol on February 16 from 10am- 12pm. Please RSVP to if you are able to attend. You will need to find out who you legislator is prior to the event and to set an appointment with them. Contact Linda for all the details. Thanks,Rita

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