Monday, November 20, 2006

Their siblings' keepers: When parents die, disabled adults need help

Gayle White wrote a very nice article in today's Atlanta Journal-Constitution about the aging of family cargivers who are taking care of people with developmental disabilities who are also aging. As she reports, more than 17,000 Georgians with developmental disabilities or 711,000 nationwide were living with caregivers 60 or older.
As of September, the list of Georgia residents of all ages on the waiting list for services from respite to 24-hour care was about 6,600. Almost 3,700 needed immediate help, according to the Georgia Department of Human Resources. Legislators increased funding in Georgia to create 1,500 slots for Medicaid-funded services in fiscal year 2007—-up from 30 two years ago. But some applicants need multiple "slots" or services, and 1,100 people enter the system each year.
Consider sending Gayle White a thank you email for her coverage. There is still time to help make a difference by sending the Governor a letter asking him to continue his support for Unlocking Georgia's waiting lists for disability supports.

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