Saturday, March 03, 2007

Partners in Policymaking Weekend: Saturday

One weekend out of each month, a group of amazing people get together to learn from each other about how to make a difference together. This weekend, we had the pleasure to hear Derrick Dufresne on Saturday and Cary Griffin on Sunday. During this weekend, there is so much that we walk away with...if you are interested in being a part of this wonderful experience send us an application.

Derrick made the points that three things affect price: "cost of property," "interest rate," and "existing subsidies." Some of the resources to address these three elements...

DCA's Dream Homeownership Program makes purchasing a home more affordable for low-to-moderate income families and individuals by offering fixed, low-interest rate mortgages loans. In addition, the Georgia Dream Homeownership Program offers down payment and closing costs assistance to eligible borrowers, which can greatly reduce the out of pocket expense to the buyer.

American Dream Downpayment Initiative (ADDI): Program Contacts in Georgia - Funds made available under the ADDI statute have been allocated to State and local governments to assist families with incomes below 80 percent of the median income for their area and are first-time homebuyers.

USDA Rural Development for Georgia - USDA Rural Development invested over $184 million in Georgia's rural communities during Fiscal Year 2006. This investment has resulted in improved water and sewage services, new and improved community facilities, affordable rental housing for senior citizens and low-income families, homeownership for families, new jobs, new industries, and sustainable communities.

U.S. Department Housing and Urban Development information page for people with disabilities - Learn about renting, buying and making your home accessible, and about your Fair Housing rights.

HUD approved housing counseling agencies for Georgia - A list of counselors in Georgia that can help with finding housing within HUD.

HUD Home ownership information - Owning a home is a big part of the american dream. Here are some resources that can help you buy, maintain and keep your home.

AAIDD National Conference information...

Medicaid Estate Recovery - Estate recovery is a program, required by federal law, whereby Medicaid members with qualified assets reimburse the taxpayers for long term care and home and community-based services provided through Medicaid. Funds are recovered from the member’s estate, after death, for the cost of these services. Important: No action to recover assets (including homes or property) will be taken while the member, member’s spouse or qualified children are living in the home. Estates valued under $25,000 will not be subject to recovery. The Soft Second Loan Program is a joint initiative of the public and private sectors in the state of MA to increase affordable housing opportunities for low- and moderate-income homebuyers.

Georgia Community Trust - The Georgia Community Trust was established to assist families in their planning to provide financial assistance to a family member with a disability. Individuals receiving SSI and Medicaid are limited as to the amount of income they may receive and the amount of assets they may own. Assets transferred to the Trust and earmarked for the intended beneficiary, are not considered assets of the beneficiary for the purposes of SSI and Medicaid.

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