Thursday, October 16, 2008

Governor Perdue Announces September Revenue Figures

Governor Sonny Perdue announced October 8 that net revenue collections for the month of September 2008 (FY09) totaled $1,632,334,000 compared to $1,561,749,000 for September 2007 (FY08), an increase of $70,585,000 or 4.5 percent.

The percentage decrease year-to-date for FY09 compared to FY08 is 2.6 percent.

Please click here for the detailed document.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

seems this document was taken off the webpage. Governor doesn't want the word out that we are climbing out of the deficit. That would give reason to cancel the Furloughs of state employees in place until the end of June. Governor thinks he has a good cost cutting thing going and won't back off even if data shows it is back to normal. Go figure.