Wednesday, August 01, 2012

In the Limelight: Susan Berch, Former AADD Board Member

At the June Board of Directors meeting, self-advocate and AADD Board Member Susan Berch read a letter to share the impact the Agency has made on her life.  We were deeply touched by Susan's sweet letter, and asked her permission to share it with our readers. 

Dear Dave,

I just wanted you to know you have impacted my life in such a positive way.

When I was a young kid, I didn't speak up very often.  I guess I just didn't think about it at the time.  I had a difficult time making it in middle and high school because I was shy and it wasn't easy making friends.  I had a few, but I never got asked to dances or the prom.  It didn't bother me much at the time. Years later, I went away to a Vocational School called Warm Springs.  I made several friends there.  One of my best friends lives in Athens and we take trips together.  We've traveled to Alaska, Hawaii and in two weeks we are going on a cruise.

When I moved back home, I joined some social groups and made friends.  I obtained a job at Jewish Family & Career services in July of 1993 and moved out on my own December of 1993. Several years later, my friend, Linda Danzig told me about this wonderful organization called Partners in Policymaking.  She told me I should get involved and she kept talking about it.  She encouraged me to apply, which I did.  When I received the letter that I was accepted, I was so excited.  I learned so much about people's rights with disabilities, the challenges we face and so much more.  The one thing I have found most helpful to me is to become more assertive.  That's always been a hard obstacle for me, but since I have graduated from Partners, it has become easier.

Everyone should be given a chance to live on their own, obtain a job, make friends, vote, travel, take public transportation, etc.  It's not always easy and it takes us longer to comprehend tasks, but we can do it if we are given the opportunity.  I feel honored to have been on the Board of AADD and learn what AADD is about.  I want to thank you, Dave, personally for all the encouragement you have given me.  I wish you well on your future endeavors.  I will miss you. I also want to thank the Board for being part of your committee and helping others.

Susan Berch

Classic rock buff Susan Berch has served as an enthusiastic member of AADD's Board of Directors for six years.  When asked why she became so involved with the organization, she told us "because AADD has helped so many people with developmental disabilities who desperately need their services when it comes to obtaining employment, finding housing, and regaining custody of their children."

Now that she has some extra time, this summer Susan hopes to make a difference in children's lives by becoming a member of Happy Tails Pet Therapy along with her furry friend, Gabby.  When Susan is not spending quality time with Gabby, she enjoys traveling, reading, going to the movies, watching TV and frequenting ethnic restaurants.  If she could trade place with any animal, she would be a dog, joking, "I'm jealous of all the attention they receive."  Her personal hero is First Lady, Michelle Obama for her understanding and compassionate character.

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