Thursday, March 25, 2010

State Financial Crisis Weighs On Local Schools

Schools statewide may see reduced days, school configuration to remain the same

Reporter: Christie Pool
The Pickens County Progress
March 25, 2010

With state finances in trouble, area officials are wondering just how much will wind up cut from local school budgets when final numbers come from the legislature this spring. Pickens County School Superintendent Mike Ballew said last week he anxiously awaits news from the legislature (possibly not available until the end of April) on exactly how much money will be cut from local schools.

“The legislature is still looking at cuts – at different ways to make cuts or raise revenue,” Ballew said. “The legislature is considering a sales tax holiday, a tobacco tax, all sorts of things. We don’t have any allocation sheets yet. Once they do a budget and have some numbers on it, then we’ll have a chance to work on ours.”

Ballew said the local system works to have their budget completed by June of each year for their upcoming fiscal year, which runs July 1 through June 30.

“We’re going back and just trying to review everything, but until we get some definite numbers out of the state, it’s difficult to do,” he said.

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