Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Thomas Oliver: We Are Crippling Our Young

By Thomas Oliver
The Atlanta Journal-Constitution
Atlanta Business News
March 19, 2010

There are some issues that we as a country seem oddly silent about.

Like the unemployment rate of our young people, particularly young blacks.

One can’t help but think that if the other party occupied the White House this would be a raging issue.

Fingers would be pointed. And wagged.

Regardless, while the official unemployment rate stands at 9.7 percent, the rate for those ages 16 to 19 hovers at 25 percent. Among black teens, the unemployment rate is at 42 percent.

These teens’ parents know that it is during these years and during their first jobs that their children learn the ins and outs of working and responsibility.

But few of us are willing to admit to the role adults have played in this ongoing calamity.

No, our youth’s elders take cover behind the recession.

Certainly the recession raises the unemployment rate for everyone including the young. But a closer look reveals one of the great examples of the unintended consequences of politicians who would help us -- who believe they know how to pull on one lever of the economy without causing harm in another area.

It was our benighted leaders who set in motion a series of cost increases to hiring young people just as the recession was getting ready to destroy 8.5 million payroll jobs.

To see the whole story tap on link: http://www.ajc.com/business/thomas-oliver-we-are-382530.html

Thomas Oliver writes the Sunday business column. He can be reached at toliver.writeright@gmail.com

© 2010 The Atlanta Journal-Constitution

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