Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Participants Needed for Research Study at Georgia Tech

Georgia Tech’s Center for Assistive Technology & Environmental Access (CATEA) is looking for people to participate in a computer workstation research study. This study will help researchers learn more about the performance, utility and comfort of fully-integrated, adjustable computer workstations. The goal of this study is to collect information that can be used in the design and development of a new computer workstation.

We are screening and recruiting up to 60 individuals, including individuals who experience chronic low back pain, to participate in this study. During the session, we will take some physical body measurements using standard measuring devices such as a measuring tape or caliper and ask participants to do typical computer-related tasks like typing, editing, data entry, reading and using a mouse. The activities will be recorded on video and audiotape for later analysis. After completing the tasks, we will ask participants their opinion of the experience.

Experience using computers and touch typing is necessary. Experience in heavy computer use environments including customer service, data entry, computer programming, media development, gaming, academic work and paralegal is desired. Both men and women are being recruited and minority participation is encouraged. Studies will take place at CATEA, on the campus of Georgia Institute of Technology in Atlanta, Georgia.

• The research session will last approximately 3 hours
• Participants will be compensated $50 per session
• Sessions scheduled for July 9th – August 3rd (excluding weekends)

If you are interested in this study and you fit the following characteristics, please contact us and refer to the Adjustable Supine Computer Workstation study:

• Have touch typing skills
• Average at least 10 hours of computer use per week
• Weigh less than 250 lbs
• Are between 18 – 65 years old

In addition, we are recruiting individuals with low back pain to participate in the study that fit the following criteria:

• Have chronic, recurring episodes of low-back pain or discomfort
• Experience low-back pain after 1 hour or less of sitting
• Do not have difficulty walking

For more information about the study please email:

Mr. Charlie Drummond at CATEA, or call:
(404) 894-4960 or (800) 726-9119 for voice/TTY

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