Monday, July 23, 2007

Working with NAMI to Educate Police Officers About Developmental Disabilities

In conjunction with the National Association on Mental Illness (NAMI), AADD has been participating in training police officers regarding issues related to Developmental Disabilities. The CIT (Crisis Intervention Team) training presents police officers with information about developmental disabilities and describes ways to effectively interact with people with varying exceptionalities.

The trainings describe the challenges that police officers often face and the challenges a person with a developmental disability could face.

We recently had some 'Partners in Policymaking' graduates join the team. We welcome our new trainers and look forward to working with them. (Pictured above: Dave Blanchard, AADD; Ann Coggins, Partner's Graduate; Rita Young, AADD; And Partner's Graduates: Stacey Ramirez, Dee Triemer, Karen Kolacinski, Vickie Martin, Susan Farner.)

If you would like more information regarding this program, email Emily.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I can't even count all of the times I've heard about police brutalizing and frightening people who have developmental disabilities and don't understand what's going on. I hope this training will help cut back on the occurance of that.