Monday, September 24, 2007

Community Choice hearing on September 25th - Send your testimony TODAY!

Any testimony you want to send needs to be sent now! The hearing is Tuesday. Let the Senate Finance Committee know why you support the Community Choice Act (S. 799) Voice of the Retarded is sending lots of pro-institution letters and testimony and the Committee needs to hear from CCA Supporters too.

Though only invited people can testify orally to the committee, anyone can submit written testimony. If people want to send written testimony to the committee, here is the address:

If you do send written testimony, we would appreciate your sending ADAPT a copy so we can use it - if needed - in the future. (It's hard to get ahold of this kind of written testimony later.) You can email it to ADAPT, or send a hard copy to: ADAPT of TX, 1640-A East 2nd ST, Suite 100 Austin, TX 78702 (note NEW ADDRESS) or fax to: 512/442-0522.

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