Monday, September 10, 2007

Register Now for the Sibling Leadership Network Conference, November 9-10, 2007

The Sibling Leadership Network (SLN) is pleased to announce that registration for the Sibling Leadership Network Conference is now open. Please share this announcement with adult siblings of people with disabilities, researchers, family members, service providers and appropriate listservs.

SLN is a community of adult siblings, researchers, and service providers committed to sibs' concerns. Our goal is to provide siblings of individuals with disabilities the information, support, and tools to advocate with their brothers and sisters and to promote the issues important to them and their entire families. We passionately believe that siblings with and without disabilities can effectively advocate for policies that will benefit people with disabilities and their families.

Despite the ever-changing roles they will assume in the lives of their siblings with special needs, there is relatively little research on siblings and their concerns. The Sibling Leadership Network is interested in research that investigates resilience, support opportunities, and life choices across the lifespan.

Sibling Leadership Network Conference will be a conversation among siblings, researchers, people with disabilities, service providers, and policymakers. The goal of this event is to move the conversation into a plan of action. During this conference, we'll ratify the SLN's mission and values, discuss siblings' concerns with researchers and policymakers, and learn what current research reveals about brothers and sisters. Finally, we'll develop an action plan and a white paper on sibling issues, policy recommendations, and a research agenda.

Please join us for this exciting, historic event!

Where: Renaissance Hotel, Washington DC
When: Friday and Saturday November 9-10, 2007
Cost: $75 until 10/19/07 and $90 thereafter
Registration form with agenda and additional details.
Questions: John Kramer 312-996-7988.

Sponsors/Key Partners: The Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Aging with Developmental Disabilities; Vanderbilt Kennedy Center; NIDRR; AUCD; The Arc; The Ohio State Nisonger Center; The Sibling Support Project

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