Thursday, September 10, 2009

If Disaster Strikes

Remembering the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001

_ Remain calm and be patient.

_ Follow the advice of local emergency

_ Listen to your radio or television for news
and instructions.

_ If the disaster occurs near you, check for
injuries. Give first aid and get help for
seriously injured people.

_ If the disaster occurs near your home
while you are there, check for damage
using a flashlight. Do not light matches
or candles or turn on electrical switches.
Check for fires, fire hazards and other
household hazards. Sniff for gas leaks,
starting at the water heater. If you smell
gas or suspect a leak, turn off the main gas
valve, open windows, and get everyone
outside quickly.

_ Shut off any other damaged utilities.

_ Confine or secure your pets.

_ Call your family contact—do not use the
telephone again unless it is a lifethreatening

_ Check on your neighbors, especially those
who are elderly or disabled.

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