Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Protect the Services You or a Loved One Rely On to Survive! Take Action Now!

Right now, Congress is developing strategies to cut spending and bring down the federal deficit. As advocates for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities who may bear the brunt of many of the proposed funding cuts and policy changes, our voices must be heard in these debates.

If we don’t speak up now, cuts to Medicaid and other programs critical to people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities (I/DD) may take the brunt of the cuts. Members of Congress are very reluctant to cut Medicare, as the elderly community is a very reliable voting constituency and they are very vocal advocates. Historically, Social Security is considered the “third rail” in politics, and as such, not to be touched. That leaves Medicaid on the table as a prime target for cuts.
What Will Happen to People with Disabilities if Medicaid is Drastically Cut?
Fewer people will get care and people will get less care. For example, they could be denied:
prescription drugs, medical treatments, and therapies they need to be healthy
wheelchairs and prosthetic devices they need to be mobile
home and community based services to live in the community instead of institutions
These losses could result in increased:
Illness, injury, and death
‐ Increased stress of families unable to meet family member’s needs
‐Increased institutionalization or out‐of‐home services
Uncompensated care for costly emergency rooms
Shifted demands on other systems of care (e.g., Veterans Administration)

Call your Two Senators and Representative Wednesday July 13th.
Here is a phone script that you may use.
“Hi my name is ___________, and I’m from _______________. I want my Senator/Representative to know that the budget cannot be balanced on the backs of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities.
Deep cuts in Medicaid cannot be tolerated.”
Then share your story! There is nothing more powerful than sharing your personal experience.

To find contact information for Georgia Senators and your Representative
Senators, click on your state at

 To identify your Congressman/woman, go to http://www.house.gov/ and enter your zip code.  Some districts require a 9 digit zip code, which you can find at http://zip4.usps.com/zip4/welcome.jsp

Please email info@thearcofgeorgia.org with results from call.
Deirdre K. O'Brien
Executive Director

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