Sunday, February 11, 2007

Georgia Revenue collection 6.5% increase for the year

The Unlock the Waiting List Campaign is focused on the lack of supports families and individuals with disabilities have to live in the community. As you know, there are thousands of individuals waiting for this help, and while we are advocating for the system that supports these individuals to be as efficient as possible, this new help will need new money. Georgia recieves this money from you - they come from taxes that you an others pay, as well as corporation and businesses. For these reasons, we watch Georgia's revenue figure, hoping to see good economic news. Friday's press release from the Governor's office:
ATLANTA – Governor Sonny Perdue announced today that net revenue collections for the month of January 2007 (FY07) totaled $1,978,077,000 compared to $1,795,724,000 for January 2006 (FY06), an increase of $182,353,000 or 10.2 percent. The percentage increase year-to-date for FY07 compared to FY06 is 6.5 percent.
Good news...

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